Forex Strategy «Balance Line»
Posted by Stan

In the framework of this strategy, we have one important nuance, which should pay attention to stock exchange players.
Types of orders
Posted by Stan

For the buy stop order to be executed and triggered, the condition must be met. Namely, to the price of Ask equalled, or was more than the price, which is specified in this application
Ways to earn forex
Posted by Stan

Among the most popular methods of earning on Forex from scratch (without the investment of money), and the presence of impressive start-up capital, we can distinguish the following:
1) the partnership program;
2) posting posts on forex forums;
3) use of the deposit bonus;
4) use of a no deposit bonus;
5) participation in forex contests;
6) obtaining a deposit in management
What is Forex market
Posted by Stan

To trade on the Forex market you will need only a desire to earn money and a computer with internet access.