Forex Blog



Divergence becomes completed when the price reverses, makes the first higher low and higher high and starts to move in the same structure as the RSI indicator

Losing streak when trading

Losing streak when trading

When you face a losing streak as a forex trader, it is best to temporarily take a break from trading the market, to protect your trading capital and prevent further losses

Сurrency forecasting

Сurrency forecasting

There are some interesting technicalities about the number of shares that investors are allowed to trade

Thomas Russo investment

Thomas Russo investment

In emerging markets there is population growth, there is consumer disposable income growth, GDP growth, and growth of infrastructure for distribution and those kinds of areas are welcoming to Thomas's investments

Abenomics and stock markets

Abenomics and stock markets

The basic idea behind Abenomics is to get the economy out of deflation using the first arrow.

Jimmy Balodimas is one of the successful traders

Jimmy Balodimas is one of the successful traders

He buys when the market is bearish and sells when there is a simple rising rally. He has never had a losing year in his entire trading career.

Monetary policy

Monetary policy

Money allowed people to buy and sell goods that had a money price. It is very beneficial for a country's currency to have physical characteristics, which makes it difficult to counterfeit, which will certainly contribute to the effectiveness of monetary policy.

Advantages and disadvantages of the financial system

Advantages and disadvantages of the financial system

Financial institutions are posting record growth, while credit to businesses and households has declined. After the crisis, one would expect regulators to introduce rules limiting the amount of risky trading that takes place in the shadow banking system

Learn «3S» instructions to learn how to trade

Learn «3S»  instructions to learn how to trade

The «3S» learning guide discussed in this article was written by Steve Ward, Business Coach and Owner of High-Performance Global Ltd.

The 4 Most Crucial «D» in Forex Trading

The 4 Most Crucial «D» in Forex Trading

What Are the 4 «D» in Forex Trading?


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Fundamental analyst

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