Pipsing Assistant - Piplaser Advisor

  • Aug 18 2021
  • by
  • Analyst AZA
Pipsing Assistant - Piplaser Advisor

Pipsing Assistant - Piplaser Advisor

Trading advisors can autonomously earn money for a trader. Before considering any options for trading robots for a piper, you need to clearly understand who he is and what he does. Most of the market participants and representatives of the financial sector, in general, conclude that this term was invented by the traders themselves to define such a variant of activity that would be aimed at concluding deals for the sake of literally a couple of points net profit. In other words, a piper is a trader who is eager to get short-term income in the financial market with might and main. But for him, the priority is not the number of operations concluded, but their quality and effect on the output. As for the advisor that would be used by a pips trader, this forex tool (called Forex Piplaser) is a very original technical solution.

The idea of ​​its development belongs to a certain group of foreign programmers. Their previous development, the Megadroid expert, gained fame and popularity, the robot was in good demand among market participants, and therefore their next development, the Piplaser advisor, also gained partial popularity and positive reviews. This trading robot works on a currency instrument - USD / CAD if you use a fifteen-minute chart.

The EA has quite rare trading moves: this is directly related to insignificant profitable entries to the market. But the presence of this advisor on the international currency market is a confirmation (or at least a sufficient reason) to be sure that the expert can execute at least one bet within a few days. Such a rate will be very small, that is, it can be overlooked due to the spontaneous opening and very fast closing. Despite the beliefs of many financial geniuses that the player must perform many financial and trading operations in a working day.

It is with the help of Piplaser (and thanks to its creators and developers) that the robot's circuit is fully accessible to the player.

The very same model of the advisor is focused on productive work, with minimum initial capital (about $ 50 on the account). The capabilities of the Expert Advisor are explained by its trading algorithm, or rather by what is put inside - the most effective and accurate trading strategy.

The tactic broadcasts an insignificant number of notifications, and the shortest parameters (the size of which is only a few pips): this is the trump card and allows not to overload the financial investment. Expert installation procedure: The Expert Advisor, which is used by pipers, was tailored for the MT4 terminal, but it works successfully on other trading platforms as well. All that is required from the player is to install this robot before starting the testing and trading process.

 Here are the key development steps:

1) enter the file menu based on your trading platform;

2) among the proposed list, we can easily select the advisor we are interested in by name, and then click on the expert to download it;

3) the process of downloading the work will be displayed in two files (in their formation): the expert itself and an additional file with the dll extension;

4) entering the navigator panel and restarting it; This Expert Advisor, of course, cannot be in too high demand among experienced professional traders, but one way or another it has its advantages and characteristic features. Among the main points, one can name a complete denial of the use of any kind of Martingale.

Use this option and you will see how the pipsing strategy becomes easier.

Among the main points, one can name a complete denial of the use of any kind of Martingale.


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