Forex Expert Advisor
- by
Stan Zabar
- Analyst AZA
Buying a Forex Expert Advisor: Pros and Cons
Today, in the international currency market, modern trading methods- automatic trading systems (ATS) are gaining in popularity. These are systems that allow the exchange's players to fully or partially automate the trading process on Forex.
Buying a forex adviser is a very inconsistent task for any trader: not always the purchase of an adviser will solve all the problems of trading, and the robot itself will not always be a quality software product. Therefore, while choosing an automatic sales adviser, it is important to be attentive and adhere to certain rules.
Automatic advisors are paid or free of charge, and from an enormous variety of ATS options, it is possible to find an efficient and working variant that will bring the desired result to the trader.
But do not forget about certain rules, analyzing and choosing work.
The first important point is the moment associated with risk.
There is always the risk of buying a low-quality trading robot: it will not justify the player's expectations but will disappoint him in all automatic systems. To avoid this, it is recommended to choose a free version, which is available for anyone who wants to try automatic trading.
The second important point, which you should pay attention to, is not to rely entirely on advertising related to buying a robot. After all, buying an expert will not make you a millionaire. You need to look at things: effective automatic advisors are a good option for trading and receiving potential profits, but do not rely on them for 100%, naively counting to increase your capital instantly. Many newcomers are hooked on such attractive ads, in pursuit of easy money, forgetting about sober analysis. They are willing to pay for such a lucrative automatic solution. But the logical question arises: why would anyone need to sell such a miracle robot if it is so unique and brings just astronomical amounts in forex?
Why did the genius who created such a super adviser and spend so much time, invested so much knowledge and energy, the need to sell it?
In reality, even with the automatic adviser's active work to make money on the forex will take a sufficient amount of time, but the creator of the software simply wants to earn as soon as possible. That's the whole point. Besides, for beginners, there are high risks to get on the trick of scammers.
That is why, when choosing and buying an automatic ATS, a trader simply has to be cautious: to carefully study the feedback about the robot, read the comments on his work, evaluate the effectiveness. Pay attention to such an important point as the evaluation of the account. Monitoring the account allows you to get real data on the selected robot. Evaluate the return on a real trading account for at least a few months. If the results are positive, this is a good foundation for the future and a weighty argument in favour of this expert.
But despite the positive or negative outcome of the advisor, do not forget about the volatile nature of the market: neither testing nor successful monitoring will ever guarantee a trader a 100% profit.
For players who are well versed in programming and creating code for a product, a good solution can be to create such a system by yourself. Owning a special programming language, it is possible to write software for such an adviser, having tested and implemented a profitable decision personally. A good alternative to buying, but it takes a lot of time and effort.
In any case, if you have firmly decided to try automatic trading with the help of an adviser, please approach the choice very responsibly, analyzing the program in detail, studying all recommendations, reviews, performing testing on a demo account. It's important to be careful not to rush with its launch on a real account, and when trading for real money, watch the charts, take profits and be careful: do not rush to automate trading if you are not good at manual trading.
We wish you successful implementations!
Automatic advisors are paid or free of charge, and from an enormous variety of ATS options, it is possible to find an efficient and working variant that will bring the desired result to the trader.
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